Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Chiropractic Care for Professional Athletes

Many professional athletes now use chiropractic care to achieve maximum performance and recovery.

In the below video our Accessible Beltway Clinics Chiropractor Dr. Rick Rosa treated Professional Athlete Mike Easton and curved his recovery time by 50%. Mike’s original estimated recovery time from 6 months, but after treatment with our Dr. Rosa he recovered in only 3 months.

Chiropractic care has proven very beneficial in the recovery of sports injuries. Many professional teams have a designated team chiropractor, but chiropractic care is also useful in injuries that occur during recreational activities as well.

To learn more about sports chiropractic care and treatment visit www.cramerchiropractirehab.com. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Smart Way to Get up – Healthy Tips for Waking up that will Save your Back


How you get off Your Bed Really Counts toward the Health of your Back
This may sound to some a silly topic to talk about, because we do it every day, getting up out of bed!  Most people get up once a day, but as a Chiropractor I have many patients in my Germantown office everyday who also need to get up off of traction beds and adjusting tables.

As Age Movement in our Back becomes Increasingly Difficult
It may sound simple enough, you just get up, most people will contract their abdominal muscles and raise their upper torso straight up while flexing at the waist.  This doesn't seem like a problem for most, especially when you are young, but most of us know; as much as we hate it admit it to ourselves, that as we get older this movement becomes more difficult.

A Strong Core is Important to the Physical Well Being of Your Back
Now obviously having a strong core is important in all aspects of physical well being, but getting up this way does increase the inter-abdominal pressure on our lower back, and if there is any vulnerability to injury, we may feel it at that time.  

How you should get out of Bed to Save Your Back
The best way to get out of bed is to roll over to your side, drape out your lower legs, and then turn your knees down over the side of the bed. While doing this, the side arm of the bed should be tucked close to your torso. Use your free upper arm to reach across your torso, about chest level. Now push your body up with this arm. As you do this, you allow your legs to drop towards the floor-- acting as a pendulum to help raise your upper body.  The arm on the bedside can now simultaneously be abducted away from your torso and used as a brace to help you move upward into a seated position. By following, the prescribed steps for getting out of bed in the morning, you will be free of the back pain associated with waking up improperly. 

For more information and treatment options, please visit our website at www.cramerchiropracticrehab.com.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Chiropractic Treatment Better than Drugs for Neck Pain

neck pain

Consider Chiropractic Treatment before you “Pop” another Pill for Your Neck Pain

A new study funded by the National Institute of Health, has found the best way to get rid of that troublesome neck pain is not to "pop" another pain medication. The study of over 272 patients found that chiropractic treatment is the best method in relieving neck pain available. The study found that patients treated by a chiropractor alone rated the highest in pain relief after a 12 week period compared to patients treated by exercise or drugs. In fact after a 12 week period those patients who exercised or used a chiropractor were over twice as likely pain free in comparison to patients who relied on medicine.


The Study Shows Chiropractic Treatment is the Most Effective Remedy for Neck Pain

The results reveal the necessity of chiropractic care when it comes to neck pain– 32 percent of patients treated by a chiropractor were pain free, compared to 30 percent of those who exercised and only 13 percent of those who took medication as treatment after a 12 week period. Dr. Lee Green, professor of family medicine at the University of Michigan says, “Neck pain is a mechanical problem, and it makes sense that mechanical treatment works better than a chemical one.”


To learn more about chiropractic treatment for neck pain visit www.cramerchiropracticrehab.com.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tony Thompson Selects Accessible Beltway Clinics’ Dr. Rick Rosa as Team Chiropractor for Heavy Weight Title Championship Fight with Klitschko

Tony Thompson

Dr. Rick Rosa Official Chiropractor and Recovery Specialist for Professional Boxer Tony Thompson
Dr. Rick Rosa of Accessible Beltway Clinics is the official Chiropractor and Recovery Specialist for Professional Boxer Tony Thompson. Tony Thompson is expected to compete in Berne, Switzerland on July 7th for the world heavyweight championship. In the competition, Tony “The Tiger” Thompson will rematch heavyweight champion Wladmir Klitschko.

Tony Thompson Klitschko's Toughest Fight Yet
Klitschko, the current world heavyweight champion speaks of his last match with Thompson as a tough one. "Thompson is a strong and difficult opponent fighting southpaw," Klitschko said. "He has a very good technique and gave me one of the toughest challenges in my career. Through his height it is a fight at eye level and I know that he has gained a lot of confidence through his winning streak.”

Thompson is excited and eager for the upcoming competition. "I have been waiting a long time for this rematch," Thompson said. "Last time I had (a knee) injury which I suffered in training. In Berne, I will complete what I missed out on four years ago. I will knock Klitschko out and take all his belts to the U.S."

To ensure full recovery— Dr. Rosa works with Thompson, creating an individualized treatment program, utilizing RecoveryDoc’s patented Six Pillars of Recovery. “I am honored to have been selected as the team chiropractor and recovery specialist. I will work to increase Tony’s endurance and performance in preparation for to fight. I have high expectation for Tony and look forward to be traveling with the team this July.” RecoveryDoc helps athlete’s recovery faster as well as increase performance levels.

RecoveryDoc Employs Six Pillars of Recovery Program on Professional Boxer Tony Thompson
RecoveryDoc’s Six Pillars of Recovery encompasses all aspects of recovery for injuries and training. The Six Pillars include; awareness of state, rest, play, nutrition, physical and psychological – ensuring professional athletes like Thompson, recovers faster and train harder.  Under the RecoveryDoc treatment program, athletes receive a personalized, all encompassing treatment plan based on specific needs.

Dr. Rosa’s recovery approach is unique and comprehensive. He has worked with professional athletes— decreasing projected healing time by up to 50 percent.

After recovery, RecoveryDoc athletes undergo an ongoing preventative program to thwart further injuries. Dr. Rosa will make sure Thompson not only recovers, but he is able to perform better and train harder in preparation for the upcoming fight.

At 40 years of age, Thompson awaits the upcoming heavyweight championship match with confidence. “I think once we have a heavyweight champion, [US boxing fans] will be a little more kinder to the American heavyweight fighters,” Thompson says. “Also I think American TV will come back out and watch American heavyweights again. We need a figure here and I’m looking to be that figure.”

RecoveryDoc will continue to work with Thompson and the team all the way through the Berne competition— ensuring he is fit and ready to snatch the world heavyweight boxing championship from the hands of Klitschko.

To learn more about Dr. Rosa and The Patented Six Pillars of Recovery treatment program visit RecoveryDoc

A Chiropractic Lesson in Cinema at The Avengers

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain at The Movies

The past weekend my family and I went to the movies.  We saw the The Avengers in a packed theater with what seemed like the rest of Germantown, MD.  As we sat down, I thought,  "this isn't going to be good", my seat was lumpy and uneven.  As a Chiropractor here in town, I knew that this may be taking my physical well being into jeopardy.  We did not want to move as there was limited choices even with 20 minutes to go before the movie.  The situation worsened when the seat next to me became occupied by a gentleman with a gluttonous mount of movie food and snacks, further limiting my personal space.

To Avoid Lower Back Pain Take Time to Move Around During the Day

After two hours and twenty minutes of movie, it was time to leave.  As I stood up, there it was, lower back pain.  Sitting, in and of itself changes the curves in our spines.  We have four primary curves in our spines, helping disperse our weight through gravity, and when we sit our spines straighten out, therefore increasing the amount of force on our lower backs by 150%.  Now this is not confined to the movies, only worse there, but to everyday sitting.  We were created to be hunter gathers, but I don't know about you, but I neither hunt nor gather.  Most of our jobs require sitting, and not just for two hours a day, but all day.  Then we go home, and sit.  Take time throughout your day to get up, hopefully at least once an hour and move around, your back will thank you for it.

To to learn more about lower back pain and treatment visit www.cramerchiropracticrehab.com.

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