Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Alternative Care For Back Pain

The other night I arrived home and The NBC Evening News with Brian Williams was on our family television.  

They went into a segment on "Alternative care for back pain".  I thought this could be really good or really bad.  To my surprise, it wasn't really either, but just dumbfounding.

The segment began with a woman who had an electrical devise implanted into her back so she could effectively use electrical stimulation on her back to control her pain after two failed lumbar surgeries.  Now I have no issue with this scenario, but as they continued to talk about this treatment, they brushed past the TWO FAILED LUMBAR SURGERIES.  This is not a treatment that someone should just jump into because their back hurts.  This therapy is after other forms of treatment have failed.  I even heard a woman at the gym talking to her personal trainer about approaching her doctor about this procedure, and she to date had only tried some medications a couple of times and one course of physical therapy.

The second part of the segment was about core strengthening.

Perfect. The segment specifically endorsed Pilates, which is fine, but core strengthening is not limited to just that particular technique.  

The third part of the segment dealt with acupuncture, and how it can help some people.  True, it can help some people, but like everything it doesn't help everyone, and you need to make sure you are going to a licensed professional, whom hopefully you have received a personal referral too.

So at this point I though here comes the segment on Chiropractic...

Nothing.  Back to Brian Williams.  How is it possible to do a segment on "Alternative care for back pain" without Chiropractic.  Essentially  Chiropractic was the original alternative to medicine.  It was one of the largest factors in NIH establishing the Alternative Health division, and to be ignored for what it is best known for, dumbfounding.  I suppose I should try to look at it as maybe this reporter thought of Chiropractic as completely mainstream and the norm, and therefore no longer alternative, but some how I think that might be a stretch.  Chiropractic should be the first choice of anyone with back pain, whether or not it shows up on the evening news.

Dr. Michael Cramer

- Chiropractor
  Germantown, MD 20874 

If you have other questions regarding alternative care for back pains, contact us at 301-972-9191 or sign-up at for a free consultation!

Cramer Chiropractic Rehab maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us. 

12850 Middlebrook Rd #209

Germantown, MD 20874



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