Friday, December 7, 2012

Chiropractic Care for Motor Vehicle Accidents

This morning after treating a patient that had been involved in a motor vehicle accident, she stated that she is feels better after receiving the care, but the pain keeps coming back.  Now in my mind I'm thinking "Great, I'm glad she is improving", and her mind she is thinking "Why aren't I better yet?"

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents typically cause what is called a soft tissue injury, damage to the supporting structures of the spine: Muscles, ligaments, tendons, and even discs.  Often referred to as "Whiplash".  The body will go through multiple phases of repair and recovery which ultimately will take a year or so for your body to fully go through.  Now I'm not treating people involved in car accidents for a year, but only the initial phases which tend to last about six to eight weeks if everything goes smoothly.  These are the most important phases which will allow your body to remodel any remaining damage to it's minimal impact.  This is also the phase most associated with pain.

Treatment: Chiropractic Care

The patient I mentioned earlier has only been treating for two and a half to three weeks, so still roughly in the beginning of care.  Now I also mentioned "if everything goes smoothly".  Smoothly has to do with what else is occurring in your body, and sometimes even your mind.  This patient has just gone through a battle with breast cancer and at the time of the accident was still feeling the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.  I explained to her that her body is fighting multiple battles right now, and the whiplash type of injuries she sustained are relatively minor in comparison to the major conflict her body is recovering from with the cancer and the medications and radiation required to fight it.  When our defenses are down, it can take longer for us to recover.  Sucks, but our bodies have less resources.  If you are run down, it always seems that is when you get a cold or the flu.  Soft tissue repair requires not only Chiropractic care, but energy from your body to actually assist in those repairs.  And when your body has a lot of other pre-existing issues it can take extra time to fully recover.

I advised her not to get discouraged, it is still early in her care, and even if it goes longer then those six to eight weeks,it's ok.  She will get there, just a little more slowly.  After all it was the tortoise that won the race.

If you have other questions regarding chiropractic treatments for car accident related injuries, contact us at 301-972-9191 or sign-up at for a free consultation!

Cramer Chiropractic Rehab maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us. 

12850 Middlebrook Rd #209

Germantown, MD 20874



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