Thursday, February 7, 2013

What Kind Of Exercises Should You Do?

Just today in my Chiropractic office in Germantown a patient asked me "What kind of exercises should I do?"  

My response started with, "What are you doing now?".  What followed was typical of 95% of patients that asked me this question: "Nothing".

OK, I understand that you have been in pain, so you haven't wanted to exercise, often for years, but this question could be incredibly complicated or simple.  Now in my experience complicated usually leads to inactivity.  If there is too much on the table, then people have the tendency to do nothing, and will continue NOT to exercise.  I try to keep things simple especially for those that it has been a long time since they exercised and they are at least 50 lbs overweight, because these are the people most likely to give up on an exercise routine.

The first thing to do is move, and keep moving, get out there and walk.  

Inevitably, I'll get the response I walk everyday: going to the grocery store, from my work parking lot into my building, at the Mall.  OK, I get it, short episodes of walking relatively short distances, often with starting and stopping.  No, no, no.  I want you to walk with the intent to walk.  I want you to walk without stopping for at least 20 minutes.  Get that heart rate up if you can.  Over time walk further.  If you are having too much pain to walk 20 minutes, then start with 10, and then go home and ice yourself, but do something.  Not only will the exercise do you good, but movement inhibits pain.  The is the way we were created and hard wired.  So you will end up with multiple health benefits. 

So get out there and move.  

We can always make things more complicated later, but start with the simple stuff, and start to create healthful habits.

If you have other questions regarding chiropractic treatments, contact us at 301-972-9191 or sign-up at for a free consultation!

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12850 Middlebrook Rd #209

Germantown, MD 20874



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