Monday, May 7, 2012

A Chiropractic Lesson in Cinema at The Avengers

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain at The Movies

The past weekend my family and I went to the movies.  We saw the The Avengers in a packed theater with what seemed like the rest of Germantown, MD.  As we sat down, I thought,  "this isn't going to be good", my seat was lumpy and uneven.  As a Chiropractor here in town, I knew that this may be taking my physical well being into jeopardy.  We did not want to move as there was limited choices even with 20 minutes to go before the movie.  The situation worsened when the seat next to me became occupied by a gentleman with a gluttonous mount of movie food and snacks, further limiting my personal space.

To Avoid Lower Back Pain Take Time to Move Around During the Day

After two hours and twenty minutes of movie, it was time to leave.  As I stood up, there it was, lower back pain.  Sitting, in and of itself changes the curves in our spines.  We have four primary curves in our spines, helping disperse our weight through gravity, and when we sit our spines straighten out, therefore increasing the amount of force on our lower backs by 150%.  Now this is not confined to the movies, only worse there, but to everyday sitting.  We were created to be hunter gathers, but I don't know about you, but I neither hunt nor gather.  Most of our jobs require sitting, and not just for two hours a day, but all day.  Then we go home, and sit.  Take time throughout your day to get up, hopefully at least once an hour and move around, your back will thank you for it.

To to learn more about lower back pain and treatment visit

-  Lower Back Pain -

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