Monday, May 21, 2012

The Smart Way to Get up – Healthy Tips for Waking up that will Save your Back


How you get off Your Bed Really Counts toward the Health of your Back
This may sound to some a silly topic to talk about, because we do it every day, getting up out of bed!  Most people get up once a day, but as a Chiropractor I have many patients in my Germantown office everyday who also need to get up off of traction beds and adjusting tables.

As Age Movement in our Back becomes Increasingly Difficult
It may sound simple enough, you just get up, most people will contract their abdominal muscles and raise their upper torso straight up while flexing at the waist.  This doesn't seem like a problem for most, especially when you are young, but most of us know; as much as we hate it admit it to ourselves, that as we get older this movement becomes more difficult.

A Strong Core is Important to the Physical Well Being of Your Back
Now obviously having a strong core is important in all aspects of physical well being, but getting up this way does increase the inter-abdominal pressure on our lower back, and if there is any vulnerability to injury, we may feel it at that time.  

How you should get out of Bed to Save Your Back
The best way to get out of bed is to roll over to your side, drape out your lower legs, and then turn your knees down over the side of the bed. While doing this, the side arm of the bed should be tucked close to your torso. Use your free upper arm to reach across your torso, about chest level. Now push your body up with this arm. As you do this, you allow your legs to drop towards the floor-- acting as a pendulum to help raise your upper body.  The arm on the bedside can now simultaneously be abducted away from your torso and used as a brace to help you move upward into a seated position. By following, the prescribed steps for getting out of bed in the morning, you will be free of the back pain associated with waking up improperly. 

For more information and treatment options, please visit our website at

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