Thursday, September 6, 2012

Help your Children Have a Healthy Back

In my last blog I was talking about your kids back packs, and today I want to talk a little more about that....

Health Problems are Not Spontaneous

The manifestation of any health problem is not spontaneous.  There are factors that contribute to these problems, and often with spinal problems those factors have to do with adaptations.  The body will to adapt to the stress put on it, but when its ability to respond is exceeded then the symptoms will begin to occur.

There are Numerous Causes of Poor Back Posture

Poor posture is not a medical condition that has a diagnosis, but it is easily visible, and its causes can be numerous.  There can be in some instances congenital, but more often external forces, such as backpacks, unlevel shoes, development in puberty, sitting poorly at a desk, all these and more can essentially lead to micro-traumas to the spine.

Have Your Child Checked When the Problem First Arises

It is important that at the first sign of a problem arising to have your child checked out by a Chiropractor so that these adaptations do not become permanent and lead to bigger problems down the road.

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