Monday, October 22, 2012

Recent Article Shows Smaller Vehicles Receive the Most Damage in Car Accidents

I just read an interesting article about vehicles and being in car accidents:

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Offers Consumers Valuable Data About Current Automobiles

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety offers consumers valuable data about current automobiles. By compiling and analyzing claims information, the data helps drivers choose the safest vehicle available when considering what car to purchase.

The most recent issue of the IIHS Status Report, published Sept. 20, contains a table of personal injury protection (PIP) claims for cars manufactured between 2009 and 2011. It also ranks the 10 most dangerous cars on the road by that metric.

Data Shows Smaller Cars are Involved in Accidents with the Most Frequency

The data shows that smaller cars were involved in accidents with the most frequency. This is partially a matter of physics, since a small car is more likely than a large car to sustain damage in the event of a collision. But according to Matt Moore, vice president of the Highway Loss Data Institute, a driver’s income, location, and rate of use can also come into play.

“Smaller vehicles are more likely to be in urban areas, and smaller vehicles are likely to be driven more frequently because they’re owned by a single person in a given household,” he said in an interview. “Large cars tend to be owned by drivers who have two or three cars garaged, or more cars than people per household.”

Small Cars are Most Likely to Be Driven by a Person Who is the Sole Owner, Which Increases the Risk

Since a small car is more likely to be driven by a person who is the sole owner, it tends to get driven every day, he said. This increases its odds of being involved in an accident, where a car that’s driven only once a week is exposed to less risk.

So I guess the point is if you can afford a larger vehicle do so, as you will be safer.

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