Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ever Wonder How Mental Fitness Can Affect Your Low Back Pain? Dr. Cramer Talks about the Psychological Impacts of Recovery

back pain and mental health

You Don’t Have to Live with Lower Back Pain – Cramer Chiropractic Germantown Can Help

It is not uncommon for people who have had lower back pain for months or years to think they just "need to learn to live with it", as they think they will have the pain for the rest of their lives.  If this is what they think then yes, they will likely have the pain for the rest of their lives, as your attitude and belief system can have a strong influence on outcomes.  

Your Mental Attitude about Back Pain Can Determine Your Results

A poor mental attitude can basically ensure lifelong pain.  Sometimes people dealing with pain allow the pain to become a crutch in their lives and the way they define themselves.  But it doesn't have to be that way.  You are not your pain.

Almost every day— whether at my office in Germantown, our at other Accessible Beltway Clinic locations throughout the region; Chiropractors see miracles. An important aspect I have noticed after years of treatment is that the patient has to be open to the possibility of getting better. There needs to be hope.

People Who Believe Their Back Pain Will Get Better, Often Do Get Better

While not everyone is going to make miraculous improvements, under most circumstances Chiropractors are very successful at helping people with lower back pain, but a good mental attitude is also a requirement.  People who believe they will get better often do.  A poor outlook will often restrain your body from achieving health and wellness. That being said, I have still seen patients improve in spite of themselves.

A Positive Mental Attitude is Key to Health and Back Pain Relief

A positive mental attitude is one of the key facets of good health.  Other facets include: exercise, nutrition, sleep, and a balanced adjusted spine.
The first step to getting rid of that back pain that you think you'll have to live with is changing that thought and picking up the phone to schedule an appointment with a Chiropractor to see if they can help you.  What do you have to lose?

-Back Pain- 

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