Monday, June 11, 2012

What Causes my Back Pain?

Why do I have Back Pain?

I have many patients’ that come into my office, Cramer Chiropractic & Rehab, in Germantown and ask "Why do I have back pain?"  Well, the short answer is we are each responsible for our back issues.  The vast majority of us don't get the proper physical conditioning to benefit our spines.

We exercise haphazardly and without warming up properly.  We gain too much weight, ride rather then walk, and slump on sofas and chairs.  We subject our backs to unnecessary twists and turns by lifting and carrying things improperly.

We Put Tremendous Pressure on Our Backs Each Day Which Leads to Pain 

The pressure and stress on our backs is tremendous.  Standing exerts 100 pounds of pressure per square inch on the lower spine.  Sitting is 120 pounds.  Even laughing and coughing can put a great amount of pressure onto your lower back.

Rules to Avoid Increased Pressure on Your Back 

Here are some basic rules for avoiding increased pressure on your back:  Maintain the natural curves of your spine no matter what you are doing.  When bending or lifting always bend your knees. Avoid off balance torso twisting.  Proper exercise can help keep your muscles in shape, thereby keeping us erect and aligned.  As a preventive measure against back aches and pain have regular Chiropractic check-ups.  A little prevention now, may help you avoid a bigger problem down the road.

For more information about back pain please visit our website and connect with us on Facebook

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