Thursday, June 7, 2012

Feeling Stressed? Chiropractic Care can Help Relieve Some of the Stress from Your Body


Work, Family and Finances can Impact how we Feel and Cause Stress

Feeling stressed out?  Welcome to America!  It is not unusual that outside our nation's capital and in my case specifically Germantown, MD that people have a lot of stress.  Everything from work, family, finances, etc can have a huge impact on how we feel.  And somehow this still shocks people that this can affect their bodies.  

You can go back over a decade and start to see articles, even in the New England Journal of Medicine, find that a person's inability to adapt to stress can cause physiologic changes that can be dangerous. Some of the changes include higher blood pressure, increased blood sugar, increased cholesterol, increase in the hormone Cortisol, and increased abdominal fat.  As a Chiropractor, I can feel that increased tension in your neck and upper back.

We Face Stress in Various Episodes in Our Life 

Each episode of stress can be over very quickly, or can become chronic.  Our responses are dependent upon our individual development, genetic makeup, life experiences, and personal behaviors, such as diet, smoking, drinking, and exercise.  Typically when a stressful event occurs our bodies respond, and then return to normal.  Chronic stress is when our bodies maintain their stressful state and does not return to normal.  Problems that can arise are insulin resistance, heart disease, memory loss, immune system dysfunction, decreased bone density, and from my perspective, misalignments of the vertebrae in your neck and back.  

Chiropractic Care can Help Relieve Some of the Stress Caused by Your Body

While chiropractic is not a treatment of diseases, it can help with the misalignments in your spine. When a patient is "out of whack", adjusting them can help normalize the motion of these individual vertebrae, and in doing so help the associated muscle tightness, the physical manifestation of the stress, begin to return to normal.  And if you start to feel physically better, don't you think that may be a small burden off your mind.

To learn more about chiropractic health and wellness, please visit our website at

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